Tag: iLearn

284 | 30-Day iLearn/iCreate Challenge: Day 30

Here we are!  NUMBER 30!!!  The circle is now complete. Feels like the time went so quickly. I hope those of you who have been either following my blog, following my 30-day challenge, or simply found interest in a thing or two along the way, have been able to get something out of this for you.  It’s been a great exercise for me to explore […]

281 | 30-Day iLearn/iCreate Challenge: Day 29

Lets face it. I’m a power user. I like my gadgets. Over the years, I’ve found myself with the unique ability to be both a generalist and specialist at times when it comes to technology (in many forms).  Hardware / software support.  Multimedia.  Audio/Video.  Printing.  Social Media.  Graphic Design / Desktop Publishing.  Web Development. That being said, living as a modern day geek, over time I’ve […]

280 | 30-Day iLearn/iCreate Challenge: Day 28

T-Shirt Design for The Bro Club. No. This is not Fight Club. Simply put, the Bro Club is just a gathering of gentlemen every month or so. No, it’s not a biker club. No, we don’t spend our meetings hanging out at the strip clubs or casinos drinking and getting stupid (yes, that’s right ladies). Just a time for us guys to be guys…hang out […]

279 | 30-Day iLearn/iCreate Challenge: Day 27

Tilt-Shift Photography. Otherwise known as “miniature faking”, tilt-shift photography is “the use of camera movements on small- and medium-format cameras, and sometimes specifically refers to the use of tilt for selective focus, often for simulating a miniature scene.”  (wikipedia.com)  While the effect can be performed with a tilt-shift lens, this tutorial takes you through the steps of how to reproduce this effect digitally (courtesy of Christian Benincasa and […]