About Me

The Author

deadpoolWho, little ol’ me?  Why, I’m just an educated small-town middle-aged Gen-X nerd with a variety of eclectic tastes.  Love movies.  Love music.  Love food.  Love travel.  Love family & friends.  Love Apple products.  Love Corgis.

As you may notice, I have an affinity for tech (in its many forms). You could call me a tech guru of sorts.  I’ve been fortunate enough to experience many different technologies over the years.  While I do incorporate tech into many different aspects of my life, I try (keyword…try) to manage my time and limit my exposure so that I can enjoy a wide variety of hobbies and social activities.  There is so much to life…to learn & experience…to waste being a slave to my mobile device, game console, or television.  I use it to enhance life, not replace it.

So why the blog?

Damn good question!  I guess it’s not much different than any other blogger. What can I say?  The Internet and Social Media have allowed us to share our thoughts, ideas, and media more easily in the whole course of human history.  This technology at it’s core…is a tool.  We as it’s users define it’s purpose. So, in 2009 I decided to take the high road and start this blog to share my thoughts and feelings as well as the many things I’ve learned along my journey through life.


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Last Updated: February 4, 2020


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