Tag: 3D

527 | Lifelike

I will admit when I saw this, I was both amazed and a bit veklempt! Having lost our cat Calypso a year or so ago, I could totally see the appeal of wanting to have one of these 3D portraits made.

514 | Endor Revisited

Wow! What an incredible piece of work, Lesly! Well done. Done with Blender, After Effects, and Fumefx. Battle of Endor from Lezly Prager on Vimeo.

475 | A Pirate Looks at Fifty

Well, it’s official. The big five-O. Honestly, I don’t feel much different than I did ten years ago (although depending who you talk to, they say now fifty is the new forty). I guess the day I admit I’m getting old will be the day I realize I’ve started getting to the point where I’m not able to do the things I want to do. […]

389 | The Future of Forecasting P2

Recently, I have been picking up more of an interest in 3D animation and game development. I was going through my many online news sources the other day and I found an article on how the Weather Channel was planning on using Unity to produce more 3D animations to help illustrate weather / storm models for its viewers. If you are not familiar with Unity, […]